Blogs & Articles

What's trending at Maguire right now...
Blog... Developing a Personal Communication Strategy
How we communicate with others sometimes has a dramatic effect on how we are perceived as a person, generally determining what others think about us within those first impressions. This can have an effect on most things that you do within your workplace, speaking to customers, and colleagues. The way they perceive you can have complete control of how they view you as an individual and what they are willing to do for you in effect.
Blog... Effective Meeting Management with Six Thinking Hats
How many times have you been chairing or attending a meeting to discuss a specific topic / project and attendees start talking at cross purposes and before you know it personal conflict arises and initial objective for the meeting is lost.
Blog... Widening the uses of the GROW Model
The introduction of GROW into coaching conversations has provided a clear, structured process that pretty much anyone can follow with a bit of guidance.
Blog... Use your intuition it will serve you well
Recent insights and discoveries in neuroscience have shared the importance and given credibility to the role of intuition in leadership, especially when it comes to decision making. What is intuition? It's what results when we piece things together, information, experience etc., to come up with something different or new that a single observation or thought may not have identified.
Blog... Personal Development & Self-Improvement
Someone said to me recently that although they knew we delivered leadership and management training as well as commercial courses at Maguire Training and it was clear at to what these are, they were less clear about, ‘What exactly does personal development mean?’ and it prompted me to think carefully about the answer because I had previously thought it to be obvious.
Blog... NHS Change Model - Shared Purpose
The Change Model is a framework for any change programme which is seeking to achieve transformational, sustainable change. The model has eight elements that should be considered when leading change:
Blog... What makes a good listener?
What makes a good listener? There are a thousand and one training courses available to us that will teach us the many skills required of a good listener. All will no doubt be full of good stuff and they are often combined with other forms of outgoing communication skills such as use of words, pace, pitch, tone and of course body language etc. However, this piece will focus purely on listening as a skill or indeed a craft and assess whether everything that we have been taught is actually being put into practise. As evidence would seem to suggest that the nature of listening appears to be slowly changing in its very essence.
Blog... NHS Productivity
NHS Productivity Keeping up with the demands is challenging, however, it is suggested that rethinking how to attain greater productivity and the way this is measured, may alleviate some of the pressures. Productivity is a simple comparison between the outputs produced by the NHS i.e. the amount and quality of care provided, with the inputs used to produce them i.e. staff, equipment, drugs clinical supplies etc. Improved productivity can be achieved through efficiency and cost measures or alternatively by getting better value from the existing budget.
Blog... How much learning actually takes place in the workplace?
The 70 / 20 /10 principle is well known across the learning and development community as being a great blend of professional training, support and coaching from key influences around the business and learning whilst you work.
Blog... What is Microlearning?
Microlearning can be defined as delivering content to learners in small, discrete chunks. Where there is a library of content available, the learner is in control of what and when they’re learning. For a long time, this has been referred to as “bite-sized’ or “snackable” learning as it’s easily digestable and fits in with busy scheduled.
Blog... Coaching - The Power of Questions
What is coaching? Coaching is a style of management in which the manager encourages people to reach their full potential by encouraging self-belief and self-development. Self-belief gives people the drive to achieve their potential. Self-development gives them the means.
Blog... What happens when managers do not properly support staff learning?
Coaching and guidance by the line manager is a fundamental learning activity and it’s worth noting that the CIPD’s Who Learns at Work? survey found that only 21% had received one-to-one coaching from their line manager in the previous year. Without support to apply or consolidate, 60% of learned knowledge and skill stops being applied on the job within 90 days from the end of the learning.
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