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Course Category: Sales Training

Using NLP in Sales Training Course

Who Would Benefit

Experienced sales professionals looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in the psychology of sales.

Course Description

Delegates will learn how to use NLP to improve their sales performance. This programme focuses on using the tools and techniques of Neuro Linquistic Programming (NLP) to improve personal sales performance. By using practical sales techniques designed to achieve results delegates will be able to greatly influence their results and see improvements in closing, handling objections, communication, presentation and personal impact, resulting in more sales.


  • CPD Points: 6
  • Training Course Category: Sales
  • Recommended No. of Days: 1
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client
Learning Outcomes

At the end of this programme the delegate can:

• Establish and understand exactly what the NLP is
• Show how to use different communications techniques in sales
• Explain how sale decisions are made in NLP terms
• Be more persuasive and create a strong sales argument
• Display greater creativity in dealing with objections and closing the deal

The Programme Includes:
  • Understanding NLP, what it does and commonly held beliefs
  • Developing powerful communication
  • Communication channels
  • Your preferred style vs others
  • Sensory acuity
  • Building rapport
  • Mirroring, pacing and matching
  • Face to face or over the telephone
  • How decisions are made - the 5-point guide
  • Recognising the power if language and suggestive phrases
  • The 'Art' of persuasion
  • Dealing with buying signals and objections
  • Creative thinking & keeping an open mind
  • Closing, gaining agreement and commitment
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