The Succession Planning Training Course is for managers at all levels, as they require the requisite knowledge to build and plan successful teams for the future.
On this training course, delegates will learn how to plan and prepare for the future success of the business by developing the right people for the right positions. Managers will look at some of the deeper issues regarding how to coach and mentor staff effectively for future success, and more importantly start to identify those individuals who have the potential to move through the business and succession plan accordingly. Delegates will leave the course able to identify specific talented individuals that will help cultivate the right skills and high performance within the business and therefore ensure that the future of the organisation is in safe hands.
At the end of this training course the delegate can:
• Explain succession planning methodology
• Give examples of an approach to succession planning.
• Evaluate how the best people are kept and developed in the business
• Show how to develop essential skills
• Produce a possible outcome scenario plan