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Course Category: Healthcare

Self-Perception Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

For leaders who are required to be more self-aware, flexible and adapt their style to the different situations they find themselves in. Those who want to be more aware of their abilities, limitations and the impact these have on others to become the good situational leaders.

Course Description

This workshop is focused on learning more about self through the practical application of strengths and limitations based on personal preferences.  It will explore leadership styles looking at communication styles, drivers, and motivators that influence decision making.


Ways of increasing emotional intelligence to enhance personal effectiveness will be looked at by reviewing current challenges in work and developing practical approaches to managing these more effectively.


  • CPD Points:6
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days:1
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes
  • Understand strengths and limitations on a personal level
  • Recognise the importance and impact of goal setting
  • Identify personal preferences and how these are expressed
  • Define emotions and how they determine drivers of motivation
  • Explain how emotional intelligence can be applied to self-development
The Programme Includes:
  • Welcome & Course Introduction
  • Review personal objectives
  • Self-knowledge and the Johari window
  • Strengths, weaknesses, attitudes, beliefs, values
  • Preferences and focus framework
  • Preferences in action
  • External characteristics of behaviour
  • Defining your core purpose
  • Setting personal goals
  • Personal Action Plan
  • Review Personal Objectives
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