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Course Category: Healthcare

Patient-Doctor Communication Healthcare Training Course

New course
Who Would Benefit

A doctor looking for advanced communications skills, who is required to add to their set of communication skills, approaches and techniques as part of their interactions with patients. As a practitioner or someone looking for advanced communications skills who want to acquire a set of communication skills, techniques, approaches and values.

Course Description

Being able to determine when and where to use communication is vital in preparing a doctor for their daily challenges in communicating with their patients.

Delegates will be able to state the possible barriers to confidence and professional communication with patients. Learn several ways of overcoming them and develop skills in subtle areas of conscious and subconscious communication. They will also cover the causes and consequences of misunderstandings and conflict. 


  • CPD Points: 6
  • Recommended No. of Days: 1 day
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client
Learning Outcomes
  • Explain barriers to communication and know-how to overcome them
  • Focus on the patient as a person
  • Handling difficult questions
  • Working with strong emotions such as anger, grief, anxiety and depression
  • Display excellent questioning and listening skills
  • Become skilled in influencing & assertiveness
  • Demonstrate 5 ways/techniques to help communicate adverse outcomes
  • Understand why you 'click' with some people and not with others
  • Demonstrate non-verbal communication skills
The Programme Includes:
  • Explore strategies to improve the quality of clinical communication
  • Increase awareness of own communication skills
  • Build rapport more easily
  • Increase ability to deliver information effectively and explore decision-making
  • Increase confidence in responding to difficult communication situations
  • Enhance inter-professional communication
  • Overcome barriers to communication
  • Dealing effectively with adverse outcomes / Breaking bad news
  • How to interpret body language more accurately
  • ‘Sense checking’ your communication



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