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Course Category: Healthcare

Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Doctors Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

As a clinician looking to build their skills and knowledge, this course will help them understand the principles of NLP and how they enhance the patient experience, taking the existing communication skills to the next level.

Course Description

Used well, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a set of practical skills and insights that can be used to improve upon how to communicate with others, manage moods and live a more rewarding life.  NLP can enhance interactions and communication with other people; it will improve your self-esteem and raise your motivation as a doctor.  In fact, it can positively impact all aspects of your clinical and private life.


NLP provides a methodology for understanding how sense can be made of experiences, the meaning given to those experiences and the resultant patterns of behaviour displayed (habits). These patterns determine the results achieved in life; personal relationships, professional relationships, work contexts, friendships and so on.


Delegates will be able to utilise tools, NLP techniques and models for developing enhanced rapport with colleagues, other health professionals, patients, relatives, and carers.  It will help to truly understand others’ needs and engage with them positively, whilst adopting the mindset and attitude of high performing healthcare professionals.


  • CPD Points: 12
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 2
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes
  • Establish and understand exactly what NLP is
  • Show how to use different communications techniques in medicine
  • Explain how to engage with people at a deeper level
  • Be more persuasive and influential
  • Display greater creativity in clinical settings
  • Become the best doctor that they can be
The Programme Includes:
  • Understanding NLP, what it does and commonly held beliefs
  • Presuppositions
  • Communication channels
  • Developing powerful communication
  • Building rapport
  • Mirroring, pacing and matching
  • How the brain filters information
  • Meta-programmes and the patterns of language
  • Using words that change minds
  • Creative thinking
  • Positive influence and persuasion
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