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Course Category: Healthcare

Mindfulness - How It Can Work For You Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

For anyone wishing to understand more about Mindfulness and how it can work for you on a very practical level.

Course Description

Mindfulness has its roots in the Far East, coming from ancient Buddhist practice, but you don't have to be a Buddhist or even have any particular beliefs to practice being mindful. Mindfulness is simply about being in the present moment. After all, we spend so much of our time not being truly aware of what's happening right now, especially so in this fast-paced world that we live in. We may find that we are living in the future, with worry or fearful thoughts, or perhaps in the past, playing over events in our minds. We can all feel stressed with the pressures of work or certain aspects of our personal life.


This can leave us feeling unhappy, angry and anxious. Mindfulness gives you the chance to be free of these difficult thoughts and feelings, as you learn to be more accepting of yourself, without judgement or criticism.


The benefits of Mindfulness are far-reaching; research tells us that it can help reduce the stress in daily lives, to overcome difficult emotions and it can also help people cope with physical problems. There is a strong and growing evidence base that Mindfulness can be used as a strategy to support people master of mental health problems, which is why Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in the treatment for recurrent depression. The world of business and commerce is now looking towards Mindfulness and it’s even being taught in schools We can all benefit from living mindfully, so why not give yourself the chance to discover how it could make a difference for you.


So how do we become Mindful? It may sound much easier said than done! Mindfulness practice involves learning breathing and meditation exercises. Remember its called practice for a reason you will be trying out something new.


  • CPD Points: 18
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 3
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client
Learning Outcomes

By the end of this programme, delegates can:

  • Use a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy approach and understand how to apply mindfulness in daily life, to overcome negative emotions, like worry, frustration or sadness, giving you the chance to feel happier.
  • Discover through trying meditation techniques and different exercises that it is possible to slow down the busyness of the mind and feel a much greater sense of well-being and calmness.
  • Understand how to develop self-compassion, to be more accepting of oneself and less critical.  This in turn allows the space to develop a kinder view of oneself.
  • Transfer personal learning to professional life.  For some, this could be supporting and enhancing the well-being of their employee’s, perhaps a colleague they are supervising.  For health care professional’s they can use Mindfulness to help a client or patient in their own journey of recovery.
  • Embark on a journey of self-discovery, through becoming aware of personal thoughts, feelings and experiences; this gives delegates the opportunity to think differently and in doing so learn new and healthier ways to respond in situations.
The Programme Includes:

Day 1 – Understanding

  • What is Mindfulness and where does it come from?
  • Why Practice Mindfulness? We explore the evidence-base
  • Understanding the nature of our minds. Thoughts are not facts! Although it can feel this way
  • Letting go of our automatic pilot, giving you the space to feel differently
  • Hopes, Fears and Expectations
  • Review Personal Objectives

Day 2 – Being Mindful

  • Living well with Mindfulness
  • Life as nourishing or depleting – exploring what gives you a sense of mastery in your life and what feels draining
  • How our thoughts affect the way that we feel, let’s gain a different perspective!
  • How best can I take care of myself right now?
  • Review Personal Objectives

Day 3 – Kindness and Self- Compassion

  • Barriers and obstacles to being Mindful
  • Kindness and self-compassion
  • My Parachute, where do I go from here?
  • Bringing your learning into your life
  • Review Personal Objectives


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