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Course Category: Healthcare

Mindfulness - An Introduction Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

For anyone wishing to introduce a degree of self-awareness and calm into their daily activities.

Course Description

Mindfulness has its roots over 2,500 years ago, in Buddhist and far eastern practice, but it still holds significant relevance for us today.  You don’t need to practice Buddhism to be mindful; you simply just need the willingness to try something new.  Mindfulness is about being in the present, shifting our focus of attention to what’s happening in this very moment. Noticing our thoughts, feelings and anything else we might not normally notice.  It can feel quite difficult to do this at the beginning, especially in today’s high pressured world. We might often feel out of our depths, worrying, or suffering from feelings of sadness, anxiety or anger. With Mindfulness practice and meditation we have a chance to take a step back from our pressures and gain a much better sense of well-being and simply feel happier.


  • CPD Points: 6
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 1
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this programme, delegates can:

  • Describe what mindfulness is and how this can help overcome difficult emotions such as, fear and worry and other types of personal internal struggles.
  • Discover that trying out meditation, breathing practice and different exercises allow the space to slow down the chatter of the mind and feel a greater sense of well-being.
  • Understand what it means to be more accepting of oneself and discover how to let go of critical judgements.
  • Understanding the meaning of inner awareness and accepting thoughts can change momentarily. Realise there is space for healthy thoughts and to make different choices.
The Programme Includes:

What is Mindfulness?

  • Why Practice Mindfulness? We explore its benefits for health and well-being
  • Understanding the territory of the mind, how our thoughts affect the way that we feel
  • Stepping out of our automatic pilot!
  • Bringing Mindfulness into your daily life
  • Developing Self-compassion, learning to be kinder to yourself
  • Barriers and Obstacles
  • Review Personal Objectives


There will be several different Mindfulness practices that we will do as a group together throughout the day

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  • 0333 5777 144