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Course Category: Healthcare

Mental Health Champions Healthcare Training Course

New course
Who Would Benefit

This course is suitable for all as a one-day mental health awareness and skills course to provide employees with the best practices for becoming Mental Health Champions.

Course Description

Learning takes place through a mix of presentations, group discussions and workshop activities.

Everyone who completes the course receives:


  • A manual to refer to whenever they need it
  • A workbook including a helpful toolkit to support their own mental health
  • A certificate of attendance to say they are a Mental Health Champion
  • A copy of the Line Managers' Resource, an invaluable source of advice on how to support an employee experiencing mental ill-health


  • CPD points: 6
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 1 day
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes

Employees will gain:

  • Knowledge and confidence to provide Mental Health First Aid for the most common mental health issues
  • An understanding of how to help build a mentally healthy workplace, challenge stigma and support positive well-being
  • A quick reference card for the Mental Health First Aid action plan
The Programme Includes:
  • About Mental Health First Aid
  • About mental health and stress in the workplace 
  • Stigma and discrimination
  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Other mental health issues (eating disorders, self-harm, psychosis)
  • Early warning signs of mental ill-health
  • Alcohol, drugs and mental health


Applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan

Action 1: Approach the person, assess and assist with any crisis

Action 2: Listen and communicate non-judgmentally

Action 3: Give support and information

Action 4: Encourage the person to get appropriate professional help

Action 5: Encourage other supports


Building a mentally healthy workplace

Action planning for using MHFA

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