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Course Category: Healthcare

Managing Menopause at Work Healthcare Training Course

New course
Who Would Benefit

Designed for Managers who want to understand menopause, its effect and how they can better support employees and colleagues in the workplace.

Course Description

“Menopausal women are the fastest-growing demographic in the workforce, at least a ¼ of menopausal women experience debilitation symptoms, often forcing them out of the workplace. This is a great loss of talent as women suffer in silence. 6/10 of women who experience symptoms state it was a negative impact on their work” (CIPD)


Managers play a vital role in determining the health, well-being and engagement of their team. They also play an essential part in managing the people and HR issues which can affect employee relationships.

Educating and informing line managers about menopause will help them create a positive culture and help them respond positively with kindness, compassion and respect.



  • CPD Points: 6
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 1
  • Training Course Location: Virtual, online or classroom-based
Learning Outcomes
  • Have a greater understanding of the menopause
  • Better understand the support Managers can offer /or receive
  • Increases confidence to talk and respond to employees experiencing the menopause
The Programme Includes:
  • What is it, Who does it affect and how can it affect those going through menopause?
  • Know your facts, don’t make assumptions
  • Pro-active ways to support colleagues and employees
  • How to open up the culture of the organisation
  • Normalising the conversations about the menopause
  • Trains line managers to have important conversations
  • Why people might not want to talk about their symptoms?
  • Developing a support mechanism to support employees -Include risk assessments
  • Creating a clear policy that embraces the company position and communicates it across the organisation
  • Understanding how the creation of a positive work environment can reduce many potential issues
  • Educate and signpost to professional support including Occupational Health


Acting now will help you retain valuable members of your team, education is the key….

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