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Course Category: Healthcare

Managing Complaints and Clinical Accountability Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

All healthcare professionals who have not received formal training in the subject or who are in need of a refresher.

Course Description

At the heart of the NHS, strategy is service improvement and patient satisfaction. At its’ core lies the principles of clinical governance.


This workshop studies the key element of complaints, which organisations must deal with in a timely and fair manner for the public, and what the NHS constitution says are the rights of the individual. This links directly to clinical governance, as does the responsibility and accountability of doctors to ensure they treat this with respect and due diligence.


A practical, hands-on approach is used to help doctors highlight their own responsibilities within the complaints procedures (and what they should expect also) and also a reminder of their direct accountability for actions they take in maintaining the Organisations’ key strategies.


  • CPD Points: 6
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 1
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this workshop, delegates will be able to:

  • List three elements of the NHS constitution
  • Describe the process of how complaints should be dealt with
  • Understand and list 4 communication requirements that must be maintained with the complainant
  • Describe the 7 part process for reflection to improve the local health service
  • Name and describe the 6 principles of Clinical Governance
  • Define Clinical Accountability
  • List 2 framework standards within the NHS
  • Give three examples of how you would evaluate someone’s performance
  • Describe 3 ways why an effective appraisal system helps clinical accountability
The Programme Includes:

Module 1: The rights of the patient:

  • The NHS Constitution
    • How a complaint is dealt with
    • Complaint investigation
    • Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
    • Judicial Reviews

Module 2: Dealing with Complaints: What the patient and doctor should expect

  • The Local Authority Social Services and NHS Complaints ( England ) regulations 2009
  • Knowledge of requirements
  • Initial contact and communications
  • Exploring what happened and research
  • Fit for purpose response
  • Local processes for complaints

Module 3: Complaints as a driver for Service & Clinical Improvement:

  • Reflection processes
  • Clinical Audit

Bridge from Complaints to Clinical Accountability: Clinical Governance-a reminder

Module 4: Clinical Accountability

  • Definitions
  • Individual accountability
  • Accountability of Health professionals
  • Six principles of clinical governance
  • Standards and Frameworks
  • Accountability for the education of others
  • Evaluating performance and appraisals
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