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Course Category: Healthcare

Improving Patient Experience and Clinical Excellence Training Course

Who Would Benefit

All healthcare professionals who have not received formal training on the subject or who are in need of a refresher. 

Course Description

Recent reports have highlighted the need for doctors (and others) working in healthcare to focus fully on putting the patient first.


This workshop focuses on the key skills and competencies which will enable any individual to ensure this happens. Covering a range of elements including, what constitutes good service, to managing expectations of patients through effective communication.


The workshop is highly interactive and participative.


  • CPD Points: 6
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 1
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client
















For more information contact Chris Dalzell


Tel: 0333 5777 144


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this programme, the delegate can:

  • Define 5 issues that patients may highlight with their care
  • Determine three differentiators between ‘customers’ and patients
  • Identify 5 benefits of being patient-focused
  • List 5 moments of truth in a patient consultation
  • Name the three elements of the Triad for creating rapport
  • Recognise different patient personalities and respond accordingly
  • Use practical influencing techniques within time-limited appointments
  • Define three ways to "keep your cool".
The Programme Includes:

Module 1: What is a good patient experience?

  • Discussion-what is good service and what does it mean to you?
  • Taking responsibility
  • The perception of the patient
  • The benefits of being patient-focused
  • Identifying moments of truth (MOT’s)
  • Handling complaints and difficult situations
  • Turning problems into advantages
  • Maintaining energy and enthusiasm
  • Maintaining a positive mental attitude

Module 2: Building strong patient relationships

  • Understanding your patients’ needs
  • Managing people and expectations
  • Building partnerships
  • Involving the patient in their treatment plan

Module 3: Recognising different personality styles and responding accordingly

  • Influencing others
  • Communication skills
  • Use of language
  • Using voice and words to powerful effect
  • Problem-solving / Decision-making techniques
  • Keeping cool under pressure
  • Individual / Group feedback and analysis
  • Review personal strategy
  • Course Close
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  • 0333 5777 144