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Course Category: Healthcare

Getting the most from your Appraisal

Who Would Benefit

This course would benefit any employee who is about to be the subject of an appraisal with their line manager. The focus will be on how you (the subject) can get the most from the appraisal. 

Course Description

This course is specifically designed to address the needs of the employee or the 'subject' in the appraisal and not the line manager conducting the appraisal. The key objective here is to help the employee to get the most out of their appraisal meeting by preparing thoroughly, managing differences of opinion and expressing their development needs succinctly.


If you are a line manager and require help and guidance in conducting performance review and appraisal meetings then you should see our Appraisals and Managing Performance  course by following this link:

Appraisals and Managing Performance


  • CPD Points: 6
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days:1
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes
  • Explain the performance appraisal process and context
  • Display an understanding of the parameters of the performance appraisal
  • Show knowledge of self-awareness of personal development needs
  • Explain how performance is assessed and why
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of differing opinions on performance and how to address gaps
The Programme Includes:
  • The appraisal process explained
  • Benefits of an appraisal

       - For the organisation

       - For the individual

  • Rights and Responsibilities

       - How you and your manager can work together

  • How to get the most from your appraisal

       - Preparation, preparation, preparation

       - Valid discussion areas

       - Discussion areas to avoid (pay and reward, for example)

  • Understanding feedback and how to evaluate differences of opinion

       - Resolving differences

  • Understanding your personal development needs

       - Knowledge, skills and attitude

  • Career planning and development
  • Setting SMART objectives
  • Action planning
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