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Course Category: Healthcare

Educational Supervision in the NHS Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

All Educational Supervisors within the NHS who have not received formal tuition in the subject or who are in need of a refresher would be ideal for this healthcare training course.

Course Description

Educational supervisors are typically the first tier of career support for trainee doctors, as you are most likely to be able to take a more informed and constructive role about a particular trainee doctors strengths and weaknesses.


It is not expected that you will be an expert across the whole range of medical careers, instead, you will be expected to be able to direct trainee doctors to appropriate resources, so that they can begin to access the information that they need in order to decide whether that particular option might suit them. This programme will help Educational Supervisors to understand their role and differentiate it from that of the Clinical Supervisor, and utilise practical help so their trainees can achieve their potential


  • CPD Points: 6
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 1
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client





Learning Outcomes

By the end of the programme, the delegate can:

  • Understand the Educational supervisor's role and responsibilities
  • Explain the required knowledge and skills to undertake this role and show leadership in this position
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the 4 stage career guidance rules
  • Lead a meeting with their trainee
  • Understand the key elements of coaching and how to apply them to their work with their trainee
  • Deal with the most common elements and issues that arise from meetings with their trainees
  • Determine what resources are available to the trainee and how they can utilise them to help and support their trainee to achieve their full potential
The Programme Includes:
  • Welcome, introduction, review personal objectives
  • Clinical and Educational supervisors-the differentiators
  • Module 1: The Educational Supervisor:
    • Roles
    • Responsibilities
    • Knowledge required
    • Skills
  • Module 2: Helping your trainee:
    • The 4 stage model of career advice
    • Meetings with your trainee
    • Practical scenarios
  • Module 3: Coaching:
    • Effective versus ineffective coach
    • Using the GROW model to set objectives and deal with issues
    • Practical ‘hands-on coaching
  • Module 4: Scenarios:
    • Trainee doctors who are thinking of leaving medicine
    • Trainee doctors whose career path is unrealistic
    • Trainee doctors who are chronically indecisive
    • Record of Learning & Action Plans for Results

    The programme is very interactive with hands-on exercises and scenarios to reinforce the learning.

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