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Course Category: Healthcare

Clinical Supervision in the NHS Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

The NHS Clinical Supervision Training Course is for all Clinicians who have not received formal tuition in the subject or who are in need of a refresher.

Course Description

The role of the clinical supervisor is a critical one in the achievement of standards and curriculum throughout the NHS.


With Doctors having appraisals each year it is imperative that Clinical Supervisors understand their role in ensuring that a Doctors appraisal, the resulting PDP, their job –plan and focus on Continuing Professional Development (CPD), is maintained.


The Clinical Supervisor also has to ensure and encourage Clinical Audit and Multi-source feedback for each Doctor.


This course is directed at those doctors who are preparing themselves for the role, or for those existing clinical supervisors who want to update or refresh their knowledge.


  • CPD Points: 6
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 1
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the programme, the delegate can:


  • Understand the clinical supervisor’s role and responsibilities
  • Explain the required knowledge and skills to undertake this role and show leadership in this position
  • Demonstrate how to link Appraisal, PDP, job plan and CPD needs.
  • Have a clear understanding of how adults learn and a plan of action to ensure the team have all the necessary skills to undertake their delegated roles
The Programme Includes:
  • Welcome, introduction, review personal objectives


  • Module 1: The Clinical Supervisor


    • Welcome, introduction, review personal objectives
    • The Clinical Supervisor Role
    • Responsibilities
    • Knowledge required
    • Skills
    • Encouraging PDP development (Linking job plans, Formative appraisal elements and CPD requirements)


    Module 2: How adults learn: KOLBs learning types

    • The major learning methodology


    Module 3: Personal Development

    • Encouraging teamwork and open communication
    • Leadership in supervision
    • Contributing developmental meetings
    • Record of Learning & Action Plans for Result
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