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Course Category: Healthcare

Advanced Teach the Teacher in the NHS Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

The Advanced Teach the Teacher NHS Training Course is for anyone with the responsibility of instructing others on how to deliver challenging and meaningful sessions.

Course Description

The NHS prides itself on its ability to constantly improve standards at all levels.


To this aim, it is imperative that each individual within each team strives to improve themselves through personal and team development programmes. Always seeking to be better.


Teaching others is a skill that many aspire to, but don’t always fulfil. The aim of this programme is to give the tools and techniques to ensure teachers are competent to deliver first-class education in a practical way.


During the training course, each delegate will prepare and deliver two teaching sessions. This will consist of a 5-minute session on the first morning and a 10-minute session on the final afternoon.


Delegates will also conduct a feedback session after observing a colleague deliver their programme.


  • CPD Points: 12
  • Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 2
  • Course Location: To be determined by Client



Learning Outcomes

By the end of the training course, the delegate can:

  • Draw the skill development model and explain the 8 core parts
  • Describe the 13 characteristics which make a good teacher
  • Write a standard, behaviour & condition for a learning objective identifying clearly each part
  • Describe the KIM model and state its’ two advantages to training
  • Use the 8 Teaching behaviours for interactivity
  • Name the 5 responsibilities the teacher has
  • Describe the four types of questioning techniques
  • Name 4 of the 5 reasons why a student may be having problems
  • Describe light-housing and how it improves communication
  • Explain the effective feedback model and describe the five parts
The Programme Includes:
  • Introductions, Agenda, Expectations & Delegate Gain
  • Opening Training session (5 minutes)
  • The 8 Teacher behaviours for inter-activity
  • An understanding of Skill Development
  • Teachers giving evaluation and feedback
  • The characteristics of a good communicator in teaching
  • The Role and Responsibilities of a Teacher
  • Questioning Skills for Inter Activity
  • Setting learning objectives
  • The KIM model for the structure
  • Platform Skills
  • Managing Group Dynamics
  • Coaching Skills with the coaching session
  • Second Teaching session (10 minutes)
  • Close programme and test objectives



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