
Essential Do's and Don'ts for Managers Conducting Interviews


Everybody assumes that it is the candidate and not the interviewer who is likely to be nervous before the interview. In reality, for managers with little or no prior experience in staff recruitment, conducting an interview can be an equally nerve-wracking prospect. Business skills training specialists Maguire Training provides a range of informative and valuable courses which examine all aspects of the staff recruitment process. Business leaders or managers who lack recruitment experience will benefit from attending our Recruitment Skills course. This highly effective one-day course equips delegates with the essential skills and knowledge required to confidently and successfully interview prospective employees.Two people shaking hands at an interview


Inexperienced interviewers should consult with their HR department for relevant policies and guidelines in respect of conducting interviews, as asking certain questions may breach age, gender or racial discrimination laws. Whilst this is perhaps the most serious interviewing error, the following essential do's and don'ts for interviewers should be heeded if a recruitment interview is to be conducted fairly and effectively.


DO match the professional standards you would ask of candidates
You would typically expect an interview candidate to arrive on time, dress appropriately and have carried out some background research. The interviewer should follow the same example by dressing smartly, starting the interview at the stated time and having familiarised themselves with the candidate's CV or job application.


DON'T make snap judgements based on your own biases
A candidate's accent, appearance or social background has no distinct bearing upon their suitability to perform a role. Remember that an interviewee is likely to be nervous and that the first impression they give may not be a true representation of them as a person. You are seeking the candidate that is the best fit for the job and this cannot be ascertained before the interview has been concluded.


DO be aware of your body language
Non-verbal communication can reveal a great deal about what we're thinking or our prevailing mood. A candidate who interprets your subconscious body language as indicating that you are disinterested, irritated, uncomfortable, tired or not taking the interview seriously will find the experience even more nerve-wracking and is unlikely to perform to the best of their ability. Sit in a relaxed and attentive position, make appropriate eye contact and resist any temptation to fidget, yawn, recline, scratch your head or fold your arms.


DON'T vary your core interview questions from candidate to candidate
The playing field must remain absolutely level for every candidate, otherwise, there will be no meaningful way in which you can compare the performance of one candidate against another. Whilst it is vital to ask the same core questions of each interviewee, it is fine and necessary to vary follow-up questions as these will depend upon the initial answers given.


DO be thoroughly prepared for the interviewee's questions

It is customary to conclude an interview by inviting the candidate to ask any questions of their own. Whilst candidate's questions are usually reasonably predictable, beware of curve balls. Could you outline your company's history, mission statement, projected market position or policy on environmental sustainability if asked?


DON'T forget to inform the candidate what to expect post-interview
It is courteous when an interview has ended to let each candidate know what will happen next and when. Ideally, you should be able to tell them how they will be contacted (by phone, email, letter etc.) and the latest date by which they should have received a response (whether a 'yes' or a 'no'). It is vital that this follow-up action is carried out, and in the timescale promised.


How can we help?

In an ideal interview situation both the interviewer and candidate should feel comfortable and at ease in order for the session to be as beneficial as possible. Maguire Training's range of practical courses centred on the recruitment process can help businesses achieve this. Recruitment Skills and related eLearning module, Interviewing Skills, is available as E-learning modules to provide a range of convenient, flexible training options for delegates.

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